IVFCRYO Predictive Analysis Helps Determine Risk of Tank Failure

IVFCryo analyzes data from past events to determine the root cause, so we can create best practices.

IVFCryo analyzes data from past events to determine the root cause, so we can create best practices. Then we utilize an innovative algorithm with predictive analysis to quickly identify highly critical risks to IVF clinics.

Many companies are using predictive analysis to improve their products/services, and IVFCryo LLC is no different. IVFCryo LLC utilizes an innovative database of algorithms that allow us to quickly identify highly critical risks to IVF clinics through our onsite evaluations.

If your goal is to mitigate the risk of #TankFailure, #SpecimenLoss, and #LegalLiability, contact us today.

With 40+ years of experience and over a million reproductive specimens shipped, who else would you trust with your client's last embryo, oocyte, or semen specimen transfer?

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